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Review of Gender Based Violence Resource and Training Material in Lebanon


Existing GBV training materials and resources were identified (through communications with the Client and key initial stakeholders), gathered and analysed. This early documentation highlighted further resources and a need to pinpoint the meaning of “resource”. 

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UNFPA Newsletter, Issue 2


Since 2008, UNFPA has been leading the implementation of a project - supported by the Government of Italy – aiming at mainstreaming and institutionalizing Gender Based Violence (GBV) in national planning and development. 

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Y-PEER Lebanon Newsletter, Issue 7


“Let’s Talk” featured a comprehensive capacity development program that included workshops on advocacy and social media. 

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State of World Population 2011


This report was produced by the Information and External Relations Division of UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund

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Situation Analysis of Gender Based Violence in Lebanon


Unique in the Arab world and in the MENA region, CAWTAR is an international, non-governmental organization with full diplomatic status, established through an agreement between the Arab Gulf Program for Development (AGFUND) and the Tunisian Government and based in Tunis.

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Assessment of Media Coverage of Gender Based Violence issues in Lebanon


Violence is nurtured by multiple aspects and can appear through acts, behaviours, sayings and signs which may, in turn, generate other violent acts, or interact in such a way as to become difficult to restrain and control. 

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State of World Population 2010


The release of the 2010 edition of the State of World Population report coincides with the 10th anniversary of UN Security Council resolution 1325, which recognizes and seeks to address the vulnerability of women and girls to violence during and after armed conflict, and the absence or low level of women’s representation in efforts to prevent war, build peace and restore devastated societies.


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Experiences, Needs, Vulnerabilities and Resources of Older Adults


Wars and complex emergencies have plagued several developing countries extending from South America to Asia. Whether across borders or internally concentrated, wars result in significant internal and regional instabilities, with effects being felt most severely on vulnerable populations, notably older adults.

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Vulnerability Assessment of Female Heads of Households


The role as head of household is one that women take with utmost seriousness placing high importance to ensure that they play out the role to the greatest level of perfection. Their sense of responsibility extends far beyond basic needs of their dependants, as they feel that they are in charge of all aspects related to them.

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Assessment of the Responsiveness and Readiness of Social Development Centers and MoSA-Supported NGOs


This survey collected both quantitative and qualitative data using in-depth interviews with representatives from MOSA’s related departments and PDS in addition to representatives of the targeted centers, NGOs and institutions

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