أنت هنا

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), is an international development agency that works to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every child birth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.  
UNFPA is the lead UN agency that expands the possibilities for women and young people to lead healthy sexual and reproductive lives.
The goal of this consultancy is to assess the extent to which the COVID-19 outbreak has had an impact on access and utilization of RH services at primary and secondary care levels, while accounting for the related COVID-19 response interventions.

UNFPA requires the provision of technical research expertise of a firm/company for the conduct of an assessment of Reproductive Health services during COVID19. The consultancy firm needs to have technical and operational capacity to conduct, within a timeline of 8 weeks, qualitative and quantitative research covering 3 target populations (key stakeholders, health care providers and beneficiaries) across Lebanon.

This Request for Quotation is open to all legally-constituted companies that can provide the requested services and have legal capacity to operate in the country, or through an authorized representative.

Quotations should be submitted in a single email whenever possible, depending on file size to the secured email bids_lbn@unfpa.org. Quotations must contain:

  1. Technical Project Proposal- Annex II (not exceeding 4 pages)
  2. Bid Submission Form (Annex III)
  3.  Bidder Identification form (Annex IV )
  4. Format of Bidder’s Previous Experience (Annex V)
  5. Sample reports about similar studies

All requested documents  must be signed by the bidding company’s relevant authority and submitted in PDF format.


Please refer to the attached document.