In response to the increased vulnerability of Lebanon as a potential country of crises, and to the needs of Syrian displaced affected by the conflict, UNFPA Lebanon in close collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) partnered with the Lebanese Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology (LSOG) to roll out a series of training workshops on the “Minimum initial Service package (MISP) for Reproductive Health in Crisis Situations”. Those trainings are addressed to service providers from different service delivery points (SDPs) in the main two regions hosting Syrian refugees i.e. Akkar and Bekaa.
Earlier in 2012, a training workshop was conducted in Tripoli for the area of Akkar and another for the area of Baalbek/Hermel. In September-October 2012, two additional trainings were conducted. They addressed a total of 35 participants, consisting of nurses, midwives, social workers, pharmacists and physicians representing 30 different SDPs throughout West and Mid-Bekaa. All 30 SDPs provide free SRH services to Syrian Displaced women and girls of reproductive age, and a referral system is established between these SDPs and selected hospitals to ensure continuum of care and safe delivery.
The trainings resulted in a significant increase in knowledge pertaining to SRH interventions in crisis situation. Pre and post tests revealed that knowledge increased from 46% to 85%. The trainings resulted in the identification of a number of challenges and recommendations.