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14 April 2020

Open letter from the regional directors of UNDP, UNWOMEN, UNPFA and ESCWA in the Arab states

As Directors of the four United Nations Agencies who have been working together to highlight the importance of Gender Justice and Equality before the... Read more

9 April 2020
Press Release

United Nations response to COVID-19 outbreak in Lebanon

United Nations agencies in Lebanon are fully engaged in assisting Lebanon in responding to the unfolding health crisis. Joining hands with local... Read more

7 April 2020

Protecting midwives to keep women and babies safe amid the COVID-19 pandemic

On this World Health Day, we mark the first International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. Midwives are central to everything we do at UNFPA, the... Read more

27 March 2020

Women, girls, health workers must not be overlooked in global COVID-19 response

UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, stands in solidarity with all those responding to the novel coronavirus: from the... Read more

25 March 2020

UNFPA and Ministry of Public Health form committee on pregnancy and Coronavirus

UNFPA Lebanon and the Ministry of Public Health are working together on the COVID-19 response through the establishment of a technical committee.

20 March 2020

As pandemic rages, women and girls face intensified risks

As the COVID-19 pandemic rages around the world, governments are taking unprecedented measures to limit the spread of the virus, ramping up health... Read more

16 March 2020
Press Release

UNFPA sounds the alarm on dire situation facing women and girls in Syria, as conflict enters its 10th year

UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, expresses increasing concern about the women and girls trapped in the escalating... Read more

9 March 2020

“We must resolutely resist any attempts to go back”: Listening to the icons and activists of women’s rights

This year marks a quarter century since the creation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, a global blueprint for advancing the rights... Read more

8 March 2020

The United Nations in Lebanon celebrates International Women’s Day

On this International Women’s Day, the United Nations issues a call to action on women’s rights and gender equality in Lebanon

6 March 2020

UNFPA statement on novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and pregnancy

UNFPA, the UN sexual and reproductive health agency, is closely monitoring and working with partners, governments and UN agencies to address the... Read more
