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TANSEEQ for Ending GBV in Lebanon, Issue 4

TANSEEQ for Ending GBV in Lebanon, Issue 4
TANSEEQ for Ending GBV in Lebanon, Issue 4


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TANSEEQ for Ending GBV in Lebanon, Issue 4

Publication date

01 January 2012

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UNFPA Lebanon has been collaborating with GBV actors in Lebanon, since 2008, to support national efforts for ensuring appropriate prevention of and response to GBV. Building on the outcome of the national stakeholders’ meeting organized in March 2011, which stressed - among others - on the vital role of media in fighting GBV, and reiterated the need for availing data about the nature, true extent of the various forms of GBV, magnitude, causes, consequences, and implications of GBV at the national level, UNFPA supported a couple of key strategic interventions.