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Youth Mixed Migration in Beirut: Driving Factors, Lived Experiences, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: A Pilot Study

Youth Mixed Migration in Beirut: Driving Factors, Lived Experiences, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: A Pilot Study
Youth Mixed Migration in Beirut: Driving Factors, Lived Experiences, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: A Pilot Study


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UNFPA, Danish Refugee Council

Technical Reports and Document

Youth Mixed Migration in Beirut: Driving Factors, Lived Experiences, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: A Pilot Study

Publication date

01 July 2018

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This study was published through a collaboration between UNFPA and the Danish Refugee Council's Mixed Migration Monitoring Mechanism Initiative (4MI), on a regional scale, with the aim of collecting primary data on the policy and service needs of young migrants. The main objective of the study is to generate new and timely data on the situation of youth refugees and migrants in Greater Beirut as they seek integration and opportunities. Furthermore, the study aimed at identifying the drivers of youth migration, including both push and pull factors among youth migrants, and determining the service needs, experiences and accessibility issues of youth migrants in the areas of sexual and reproductive health, youth empowerment, and gender-based violence. The data collection targeted 160 migrants (15-24 years old) of three nationalities: Palestinians (Non-Lebanese origin), Iraqis and Syrians.