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Sexual and Reproductive Health

Sexual and Reproductive Health

Sexual and Reproductive Health

 Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

In the area of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH), UNFPA in Lebanon has been equally engaged from the onset of the crisis in the response especially with lifesaving interventions through capacity development on a wide range of issues such as RH minimum initial service package (MISP), family planning counselling, service delivery guidelines on RH, etc targeting physicians, nurses, social workers and midwives; provision of commodities through availing RH emergency kits (STI, contraceptives, delivery kit, etc) as well as RH drugs, contraception and pharmaceuticals and medical equipment to all 214 primary health care centers of the Ministry of Public Health as well as additional health dispensaries and selected hospitals; provision of services by availing physicians and midwives to selected primary health care outlets; generation of evidence through undertaking research and situation analysis on RH services and information as well as conducting rapid evaluation of RH interventions; subsidization of SRH services such as prenatal care, STI, PSS and others especially targeting most vulnerable and needy women; system development through revision of the RH service delivery guidelines as well hospital based maternal audit system; development of guidelines on COVID19 and pregnancy for in-patient and out-patient management which were institutionalized in all health facilities at primary and secondary care levels; development of guidelines on mental health linked to maternal health; procurement of mobile medical unit with full equipment to provide RH related services and information particularly among affected population in IS; outreach and awareness raising on various RH issues (i.e. FP, STI, prenatal care, etc) to population affected by the Syria crisis (Lebanese in hosting communities and Syrian refugees); procurement of medical equipment and supplies for health care facilities at primary and secondary care levels destroyed by the Beirut Port explosion; procurement of PPEs for health care providers operating at the primary and secondary care levels as well as elderly institutions to reduce likelihood of infection among health care providers and beneficiaries; production /dissemination of material to be used for awareness raising and in various settings i.e. registration centers, dispensaries, etc and assuming the coordination role on RH programming and priorities among the different humanitarian actors as well as with the government. The UNFPA Country Office conducted a country assessment on Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) rights, among others. In addition to the system strengthening and coordination efforts where UNFPA is co-leading with the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) on the Reproductive Health Sub Working Group (RHSWG) and the Criminal Management of Rape Task Force (CMRTF). 


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