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Inter-Agency GBVIMS Coordinator

Inter-Agency GBVIMS Coordinator

Beirut, Lebanon

Service Contract - Level SC09


With the support of the Gender Based Violence (GBV) Working Group (GBV WG) Coordinators of UNFPA and UNHCR and the National GBV Information Management System (GBVIMS) Steering Committee, the incumbent will facilitate the implementation of the GBVIMS in Lebanon, providing technical support to the organizations and agencies using the GBVIMS for data collection through their service provision to GBV survivors in order to improve and expand the use of the GBVIMS. The incumbent will also lead national efforts to roll-out the GBVIMS among potential additional GBVIMS users in coordination with the GBVIMS Steering Committee. In addition, the incumbent will provide requested technical advice to the pilot roll-out of the next generation of the GBVIMS, Primero/GBVIMS+. 

The incumbent will work closely and in collaboration with UNFPA, UNICEF and UNHCR GBV coordinators/focal points in Lebanon as well as with other GBVIMS organizations, the National GBVIMS Steering Committee, the GBV Working Group, the Global Team and all relevant stakeholders and/or coordination bodies at national and field level. The incumbent will also support in strengthening intersectionality between Child Protection (CP) IMS and GBVIMS.

Functions / Key Results Expected

1. Coordination

  • Lead the regular National GBVIMS Steering Committee meeting, following an agreed-upon work plan and priorities.
  • Lead all coordination meetings at the field and national levels including all local and international organizations participating in GBVIMS Steering Committee.
  • Provide technical support and coaching as needed to the field GBVIMS coordinator and users, including in the identification of new GBVIMS users;
  • Provide technical support to the field-based staff and GBVIMS user organizations and  identify new GBVIMS users;
  • Maintain and update the work plan/strategy for the GBVIMS  ensuring a clear implementation process per region;
  • Ensure ongoing communication between the field GBVIMS Steering Committees and the national GBV IMS Steering Committees, and between the National GBV IMS Steering Committee and the GBV Working Group;
  • Provide regular updates to the GBVIMS Steering Committee on the process of implementation and facilitate the analysis of the data;
  • Regularly update the GBVIMS Global team on achievements and challenges in Lebanon;
  • Perform additional tasks related to the coordination of the GBVIMS, as stated by the Information Sharing Protocol.

2. Capacity Building/Coaching

  • In coordination with the GBV Working Group Coordinators, the National Steering Committee and the Global Team, advise organizations and agencies to use the GBVIMS through technical support, trouble shooting, training, and quality assurance, including on GBV case management as applicable;
  • Maintain and reinforce the Inter-Agency Pool of GBVIMS Trainers to allow national self-management of basic capacity building needs;
  • Advise and provide technical support to all local and international organizations on GBVIMS. 
  • Identify capacity building needs and liaise with the GBV WG Coordinators for follow up;
  • Support the evolvement and roll out of the GBVIMS in Lebanon;
  • Develop a capacity development plan that follows and supports the GBV strategy which is presented to the GBV WG and GBV Steering Committee members on a regular basis;
  • Document good practices and lessons learned from the rollout process.

3. Information and Analysis

  • Lead/facilitate the process of revising the Information Sharing Protocol (ISP);
  • Lead the consolidation of monthly reports from GBVIMS users and dissemination of relevant guidance and outcomes;
  • Support with addressing requests for accessing GBVIMS data in coordination with the GBVIMS Steering Committee.
  • Provide regular information on news and updates from the global GBV SC and inform and alert on changes or upcoming opportunities at country level;
  • In coordination with the GBV IMS Steering Committee members, utilize GBVIMS data to generate data and to develop bi-annual and other ad hoc reports, produce information bulletins, infographics for programming and advocacy purposes and every other relevant use (LRP, Proposals etc).
  • Lead the process of triangulation of information, desk review and qualitative data analysis process to produce informative reports;
  • the incumbent will support strengthening Intersectionality between CPIMS and GBVIMS. In 2024, this support will be limited to the following:
    • Take part in the consultation with CPIMS/PRIMERO and Case Management Taskforce (CMTF) to finalize selection of data points for analysis based on the DPISP
    • Based on CPIMS (PRIMERO) data and excel-based data shared by non-CPIMS users, generate an annual report including infographics to be used for programming and advocacy purposes and other relevant use (LRP, Proposals, etc).  Ensure organization of validation exercise with CMTF before finalization of report and dissemination
    • Identify data points in the GBVIMS and the CPIMS that are relevant to enhance analysis around child survivors of gender-based violence, based on which, the incumbent will drafting report narrative to be included in the GBVIMS and CPIMS annual reports respectively.
    • Ensure regular coordination with the CPIMS Focal Points with UNHCR and UNICEF
    • In consultation with key stakeholders provide recommendations on the joint administration of the CPIMS and GBVIMS for 2025 and beyond.

4. Facilitation and Representation

  • Assess technical and operational support needs, help organizing support missions to Lebanon and facilitate the delivery of technical outputs;
  • Represent the GBVIMS Steering Committee as requested at different meeting platforms and towards the global GBVIMS SC;
  • Present GBVIMS findings from annual/quarterly thematic reports and analysis to the national GBV WG and in the four GBV WG at field level;
  • Present GBVIMS findings from annual/quarterly thematic reports and analysis to ad-hoc specific meetings;
  • For CPIMS, please refer to initiative details under Section 3. of TORs.
  • Perform other tasks as requested by the supervisor.


  • Excellent coordination and data analysis / analytical skills
  • Demonstrated leadership skills
  • Excellent knowledge of GBV Case Management procedures
  • Excellent knowledge of Child Protection (CP) trends and issues. Strong knowledge of CP Case Management Procedures is an advantage
  • Strong ability to draft/produce data analysis and clear reports, including good editing skills
  • Strong interpersonal and communication (verbal and written) skills
  • Strong ability to work under pressure, multi-task, and meet deadlines
  • High level of ethics and integrity

Recruitment Qualifications


Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in law, social sciences, or gender in humanitarian and development context or related field.


  • Minimum of 7 years of relevant professional experience with a bachelor’s degree or 5 years of experience with a Master’s degree; including 1 year of experience in GBVIMS
  • Strong experience in data management, reporting and data analysis, M&E including quantitative and qualitative data, logframes in GBV and CP programming (desired)
  • Knowledge of gender issues in development, particularly GBV/CP and case management, including relevant international human rights and humanitarian standards.
  • Prior training in gender and GBV issues and their application in humanitarian, conflict recovery and development settings. Prior training on CP issues in Humanitarian Action is asset.
  • Experience in coordination at the national level amongst UN agencies and local and international organizations
  • Experience in utilizing the following internationals tools: GBV Standard Operating Procedures; GBV Information Management System; IASC GBV Guidelines; IASC Gender Handbook; GBV Coordination Handbook.
  • Use of Child Protection minimum standards, Child Protection National SOPs, etc highly desired. Prior experience in the UN system will be an asset.


  • Fluency in oral and written English and Arabic is required


To view the complete job description and apply to this position, click on links below.

 View the internal job posting : For internal candidates

View the external job posting : For external candidates