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Vacancy# UNFPA/LBN/2024/01: Consultancy to Develop an Online Tracking/monitoring Tool/programme in the context of the Sexual Harassment Law in Lebanon

Vacancy# UNFPA/LBN/2024/01: Consultancy to Develop an Online Tracking/monitoring Tool/programme in the context of the Sexual Harassment Law in Lebanon




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Official Job Title:

Consultancy to Develop an Online Tracking/monitoring Tool/programme in the context of the Sexual Harassment Law in Lebanon

Duty Station

Lebanon, UNFPA Office

Hiring Office

UNFPA Lebanon

Vacancy Ref #



15 working days

Start-up Date

March 1 to March 30

Consultancy Level


Consultancy to Develop an Online Tracking/monitoring Tool/programme in the context of the Sexual Harassment Law in Lebanon
Purpose of consultancy:    In efforts to combat sexual harassment in Lebanon, the Lebanese Parliament passed Law No.205/2020 that criminalizes sexual harassment, penalizes the perpetrators, protects victims and witnesses who testify against abusers, and creates a specialized fund at the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) to support victims. Different entities in Lebanon, including governmental institutions, United Nations agencies, and Civil Society Organizations are contributing to the implementation of the law through different initiatives at the levels of policy, law implementation, advocacy, and service provision. Nevertheless, the coordination between these entities remains limited which impacts systematic monitoring of the implementation of the law. Moreover, it may potentially result in the duplication of certain projects and interventions on the one hand and leaving out some essential parts of the law on the other hand.
In this context, the Women and Child Parliamentary committee developed a legislative scrutiny study to assess the implementation of the law 2.5 years after its adoption. The findings and recommendations of the report were presented and discussed during a workshop organized by the committee in May 2023. 
Following the workshop, and with the aim to ensure the strengthened implementation of the law and the synergy and complementarity in the implemented activities, UNFPA Lebanon partnered with the Lebanese Parliament to conduct a stakeholders’ mapping on the implementation of the law. The mapping exercise, conducted in 2023, captures and documents the various initiatives (past and ongoing) in the context of the sexual harassment law and implemented by different stakeholders, including governmental entities and Civil Society Organizations as well as supporting UN/international organizations. The exercise also showcases the scope of the activities, duration, ongoing status, funding source, and target population for each initiative.  The mapping report highlighted several gaps and challenges including duplication of efforts, absence of coordination structure, lack of fundings and resources to name but a few. Finally, the report came up with a number of concrete recommendations to ensure a more coherent, complementary, efficient and coordinated approach to implement the law.  
As the implementation of law 205 is a continual process involving different stakeholders in the implementation of different initiatives and projects at different levels, the mapping report continues to be a living document which will require regular updating. Therefore, to maintain the progressiveness and the up-to-dateness in the implementation of the law, the mapping exercise will be proceeded by the development of a tool that serves as a platform to monitor the implementation of the sexual harassment-related initiatives. This tool will be developed under the ongoing collaboration between UNFPA Lebanon and the Women and Child Parliamentary Committee in 2024. This tool will aim at a) monitoring ongoing progress, b) capturing challenges, c) bridging gaps in implementation of law, d) promoting joint and coordinated efforts and e) ensuring synergy and complementarity among different stakeholders and entities.  
The development and operationalization of this monitoring system would obviously contribute to reinforcing government regulations, compliance and policy change, enhancing transparency, adopting a forward-looking view for efficient implementation of the law and realizing a positive impact on the population at large by eliminating sexual harassment. Lastly, this tracking system will help in conducting evidence-based policy analysis and review especially if revision of the law is needed.
As such, UNFPA Lebanon CO seeks to recruit a consultant who would be engaged in developing the online tracking tool/programme.

Scope of work:

(Description of services, activities, or outputs)    Under the guidance of UNFPA Lebanon Head of Office and in close collaboration with the Population and Development focal point and the parliament team, the consultant will:
-    Conduct an inception meeting with UNFPA Lebanon and the assigned Parliament focal points to ensure a clear understanding of the listed tasks and deliverables set forth in the Terms of Reference and the expected dates of submission. 
-    Attend the validation meeting of the mapping exercise to understand the stakeholders’ vision of the platform.
-    Carry out the needed literature review and analysis of the mapping report conducted earlier, the law 205, etc.
-    Review similar monitoring and tracking tools, programmes and systems of various laws, bills, regulations, policies, etc. from 4-5 countries through a brief comparative matrix.    
-    Suggest a structure of the online tracking tool based on the mapping report as well as the articles of the law.
-    Assess needed infrastructure to guarantee system can be operationalized once finalized.
-    Develop and pilot the first design of the online tracking tool with 2-3 entities.
-    Incorporate the feedback including outcome of the pilot in the design.
-    Finalize the tracking tool. 
-    Provide the needed technical support and training to assigned Parliament focal points on utilizing the tool.
-    Provide the latest working source code and related materials, when applicable.
-    Present the tool in a technical meeting.

Duration working schedule:     March 1 to March 30 (15 working days)

Place where services are to be delivered:    Beirut, Lebanon

Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.):    



Target Delivery Dates

Payment Term

  • Inception Meeting conducted
  • Revision and analysis of mapping exercise other relevant materials carried out
  • Revision of similar monitoring and tracking tools carried out
  • Outline of tracking tool developed
  • Comparative Matrix of similar tracking tools is submitted
  • Suggested written structure of the tracking tool is submitted

March 15


  • First design of Tracking tool developed
  • Final design of tracking tool developed
  • Tracking tool is developed and functioning
  • Training sessions delivered
  • First design of tracking tool is developed and piloted
  • Final design of tracking tool is developed and accessible to online users
  • Final Consultancy report submitted

March 30


Delivery Date: March 30
All deliverables will be submitted electronically
Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:    

Under the direct supervision of UNFPA Lebanon Head of Office, the consultant will work closely with assigned office and parliament focal points.
- Adhere to UNFPA M&E requirements.

Supervisory arrangements:     The consultant will work under the direct supervision of UNFPA Lebanon Head of Office
Expected travel:    N/A
Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements:  

The Consultant should fulfil the following requirements: 
-    First level degree in computer science, web development and design, or any related field.
-    Minimum of five years of proven experience in web design and the development of scalable online systems.
-    Knowledge and experience related to the development of relevant online tools, platforms, learning modules, and monitoring systems.
-    Demonstrable skills in data analysis.
-    Demonstrable experience and knowledge with security best practices.
-    Ability to deliver a training/communicate with relevant stakeholders the utilization methods of the platform.
-    Experience in App Development is an asset.
Language and other skills: Proficiency in oral and written Arabic and English.
Inputs / services to be provided by UNFPA or implementing partner (e.g support services, office space, equipment), if applicable:    - Provide all available relevant documents and reports
- Feedback on the first draft of the version
- Logistical support to conduct the training for relevant stakeholders

Other relevant information or special conditions, if any:    N/A

Requesting Officer in Hiring Office: Asma Kurdahi
Application process and deadline 
Interested candidates may apply online by providing: 
●    Most updated CV
●    Updated P11
●    Cover letter mentioning the relevance of past/current experience with the requirements of the consultancy
●    Mention in the email subject the post title and number

he above documents must be sent to bids_lbn@unfpa.org  by no later than February 16, 2024
Candidates who fail to submit the required documents above will not be considered for review.

UNFPA Lebanon will only be responsible to respond to those applicants submitting the required documents above and in which there is further interest. ONLY individual consultants, not companies, are eligible to apply.
Candidates assessed by the panel and considered to be eligible for the appointment but who are not selected for this vacant post may be offered an assignment to another position at the same/lower grade provided that they meet the minimum qualifications required.