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Official Job Title:

Development of a Communication Strategy for the PSEA Network

Duty Station

Lebanon, UNFPA Office

Hiring Office

UNFPA Lebanon

Grade (Classified)


Vacancy Ref #



3 months

Start-up Date

July 15, 2024


Scope of work:


(Description of services, activities, or outputs)

UNFPA’s vision is to cultivate an organizational culture of care that nurtures a safe, trusted, respectful and inclusive environment, where the rights and dignity of UNFPA personnel and the people and communities we serve are recognized, promoted and protected, and all feel empowered to speak up for themselves and others and take appropriate action to prevent and respond to any and all SEA. In Lebanon, UNFPA is leading the PSEA Network, a collective body supporting the implementation of the 2003 Secretary General Bulletin on protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse perpetrated by aid workers.

Under the supervision of the PSEA Network Coordinator, the Communications Consultant will develop a communication strategy for the In-Country PSEA Network. The PSEA communication strategy should be tailored to the context, the targeted groups and the  humanitarian response. The strategy should build upon the already existing tools and strategize using such tools to reach different communities. It should work to: 1. Ensure that beneficiaries are aware of their rights and understand what constitutes SEA perpetrated by aid workers, as well as how to recognize and report such incidents; 2. Provide beneficiaries with access to information about available support services and reporting mechanisms; 3. Empower beneficiaries to actively participate in preventing and addressing sexual exploitation and abuse by providing them with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to protect themselves and others from harm; 4 Ensure that all beneficiaries, including those from marginalized or vulnerable groups, have equal access to information in their respective languages, support, and opportunities; 5. Recognize and respect the cultural norms, beliefs, and sensitivities of beneficiaries while also challenging harmful practices and attitudes that perpetuate SEA; 6. Promote sustainable change by engaging beneficiaries in ongoing dialogue, education, and capacity-building activities.

The deliverables consist of:

Consultation with the PSEA Network and relevant stakeholders(donors, UNCT/HCT, Strategic AdvisoryGroup)

Desk review of the available communication materials and tools

Development of the PSEA communication strategy

Revision of the PSEA communication strategy

More specifically, the consultant is expected to:

  1. Conduct a comprehensive review of existing PSEA communication strategies, tools, and materials.
  2. Establish a centralized repository for PSEA communication resources, including guidelines, templates, and training materials.
  3. Develop a new communication strategy that aligns with best practices and addresses any gaps identified during the review process.
  4. Create a robust communication plan outlining objectives, target audiences, key messages, channels, and evaluation metrics.
  5. Design innovative tools and materials to enhance understanding and engagement with PSEA principles and procedures.
  6. Create messaging campaigns to promote a culture of respect, dignity, and zero tolerance for sexual misconduct within the organization and community.
  7. Provide guidance on integrating PSEA principles into all communication channels and activities.
  8. Produce regular reports on communication activities, outcomes, and challenges, and provide recommendations for improvement
  9. Provide ongoing support and guidance to internal teams responsible for implementing PSEA communication activities.
  10. Collaborate with the Information management WG to leverage technology for effective communication and reporting.
  11. In collaboration with the UN Communications Group, monitor and evaluate the impact of the new communication strategy, collecting feedback from stakeholders and making adjustments as necessary.


Duration and working schedule:

3 months (90 days July 15th – October 15th)

Place where services are to be delivered:

Beiurt, Lebanon with possible travel to the field locations

Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.):




Language/ Format


% remuneration

Consultation with the PSEA Network and relevant stakeholder and

Desk review of the available communication materials and tools



Minutes of meeting

Desk Review Report


30 days

(July 15-August 15)


Drafting of the communication  strategy and revision of the strategy

First draft of comms strategy and final draft of the strategy


60 days

(August 16- October 15)



Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:

The consultant will have weekly meetings with the PSEA Network coordinator to report on progress and challenges and update on workflow


Supervisory arrangements:

The consultant will report to the PSEA Network coordinator

Expected travel:

Travels to field locations are to be expected and will be supported by the hiring manager.

Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements:


Master’s Degree preferably in Communications, Media, Journalism, Gender, Social Studies, or the equivalent,  with 5 years of relevant and qualifying experience is required; a Bachelor’s degree in combination with 7 additional years of relevant and qualifying experience in the field of humanitarian affairs may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. Given due consideration in lieu of the advanced university degree.


·       Minimum 5 years of experience in any of the following areas (including a combination): communication, media relations, journalism, prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse, gender, gender based violence, sexual harassment, protection or workplace conduct is required.

·       Experience working directly on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse is highly desirable.

·       Experience working with a UN organization, NGO or civil society organization is desirable.

·       A thorough understanding of the humanitarian situation in Lebanon, excellent communication, report writing & analytical skills are necessary.

Language requirements:
Fluency in written and spoken English and Arabic is required.


How to apply

Interested candidates may apply online by providing:

  1. a P-11 Form (click to download)
  2. a most updated CV
  3. Mention in the email subject the post title and number: Development of a communication strategy for the PSEA Network consultancy UNFPA/LBN/2024/04

The above documents must be sent to the following email address: by no later than June 19, 2024 Close of Business (i.e. 5:30 pm).

Candidates who fail to submit the required documents above will not be considered for review.