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Official Job Title:                        Consultant

Duty Station                               Lebanon, UNFPA Office

Hiring Office                               UNFPA Lebanon

Vacancy Ref #                             UNFPA/LBN/2022/003

Duration                                     25 working days

Start-up Date                              October 1 to Dec 10, 2022



Evaluation of the implementation of Multi-Year Strategic Framework for  Expanding Voluntary Family Planning Services in Lebanon

Purpose of consultancy:

UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled. UNFPA works towards achieving the three transformative results: end preventable maternal deaths, end unmet need for family planning and end gender-based violence and harmful practices.


Since 1993, the UNFPA in Lebanon has worked closely with its partners, under the leadership of the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) to enhance access to family planning (FP) services by ensuring modern family planning methods within the larger package of sexual and reproductive health (SRH). The need to develop an integrated strategic vision for FP services emerged with the protracted Syria crisis and influx of Syrian refugees in Lebanon as reporting and anectodal evidence became evident around barriers (cultural, knowledge, cost, transportation, etc) for accessing FP services and methods. As such, UNFPA conducted in 2015 a situation analysis around unmet needs in FP among Syrian refugees and which provided evidence and analysis on bridging the gaps in FP including access to contraception.  Based on the situation analysis for unmet needs in FP, and at the request of MOPH, UNFPA supported the development of a multi- year strategic framework (MYSF) for expanding voluntary family planning services in Lebanon with emphasis on displaced populations. The FP MYSF was developed in consultation with key stakeholders and validated after which was endorsed by MOPH and launched by the Minister in December 2018. The ultimate goals of MYSF are:

a) Gradually reduce unmet need for modern FP in Lebanon with particular emphasis on Syrian displaced populations by one percent (1%) every year over the next five years; and

b) Gradually increase the prevalence rate of use of modern contraceptives in Lebanon with particular emphasis on Syrian displaced populations by one percent (1%) every year over the next five years.


As multiple crisis hit Lebanon since 2019, priorities were diverted to ensure responding to immediate and life-saving interventions including access to SRH and FP by many actors assumably in line with the FP MYSF however without a systematic approach and monitoring framework. On the other hand, recent surveys showed a decrease in uptake of modern contraceptives showing decrease of contraception rate to 35.5% in 2021 compared to 53% in 2009.


Under a joint collaboration between UNFPA and MOPH, this consultancy aims to assess the progress made towards implementation of the FP MYSF by mapping key actors and examining relevant FP related initiatives since 2018 (year the MYSF was launched) in terms of their relevance and alignment with the MYSF. The consultancy will also examine concrete fulfilment of outcomes and indictors to the extent possible as well as challenges encountered in implementing FP interventions. Lastly, this exercise will suggest key recommendations to scale up access to FP and maximize the reach. It should be noted that this consultancy will assess progress made on FP among both Lebanese and Syrian refugees.   


Scope of work:

(Description of services, activities, or outputs)

The consultant will work closely with UNFPA to carry out the following tasks:

  1. Prepare an action plan with a timeline of activities to be carried out under this consultancy.
  2. Conduct desk review including the situation analysis in unmet needs in FP (2015), the FP MYSF (2017), selected studies and surveys in Lebanon over the past 4 years addressing FP within the larger health/RH component.
  3. Develop data collection tools i.e. FGD guide, partners questionnaire and KII questionnaire
  4. Conduct 8-10 KII with selected stakeholders (i.e. line ministries, professional associations, key donors, RH sub-working group, UN agencies)
  5. Conduct 3-4 focus group discussions with health care providers (OBGYN, midwives, social workers, outreach workers) practicing in public and private health facilities in Lebanon
  6. Administer an online survey questionnaire among all health actors with support to FP programming  
  7. Submit an analytical report + summary PPT based on the desk review and outcome of the consultation processes
  8. Take part in technical/dissemination meeting as guided by UNFPA


Duration working schedule: October 1 to December 10, 2022 (25 working days)

Place where services are to be delivered:

A hybrid approach i.e. UNFPA office (Beirut), remote home based and field visits

Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.):

Delivery Date: December 10, 2022

All deliverables will be submitted electronically

Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:

The consultant will deliver the tasks based on milestones and deliverables agreed upon and reflected in the contract terms. These deliverables include reporting requirements as well as a timeline. 

Supervisory arrangements:

The consultant will work under the guidance of UNFPA SRH programme Specialist

Expected travel:

The consultant will be expected to travel to various locations where UNFPA’s implementing partners are located to carry out the various tasks spelled out in the TORs

Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements:

The Consultant should fulfil the following requirements:

Education: Master’s degree in public health, gender studies, sociology/anthropology, social sciences or other relevant specialty.




  • At least 5 years of extensive experiences in carrying out research/evaluations/assessments
  • Extensive experience and knowledge in the field of health/SRH is essential
  • Knowledge of the Lebanese health system is an asset
  • Working with international organizations/ UN agencies/ donors is an asset.
  • Experience in humanitarian /emergency contexts including familiarity with humanitarian related resources and material is an asset
  • Excellent analytical skills
  • Excellent Arabic and English spoken and written skills
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to establish effective and working relations with other stakeholders in Lebanon
  • Familiarity with UN work is desirable.


Language and other skills: Proficiency in oral and written Arabic and English.


Inputs / services to be provided by UNFPA or implementing partner (e.g support services, office space, equipment), if applicable:

  • Relevant documents
  • Continuous guidance
  • Partners briefs
  • Support for the consultative meetings and FGD


Other relevant information or special conditions, if any:



Signature of Requesting Officer in Hiring Office: Maguy Ghanem

Date: September 10, 2022

Application process and deadline



Interested candidates may apply online by providing: 

  • Most updated CV
  • Updated P11 (click here)
  • Cover letter mentioning the relevance of past/current experience with the requirements of the consultancy
  • Mention in the email subject the post title and number

The above documents must be sent to bids_lbn@unfpa.org  by no later than 25 September 2022
Candidates who fail to submit the required documents above will not be considered for review. UNFPA Lebanon will only be responsible to respond to those applicants submitting the required documents above and in which there is further interest. ONLY individual consultants, not companies, are eligible to apply.

Candidates assessed by the panel and considered to be eligible for the appointment but who are not selected for this vacant post may be offered an assignment to another position at the same/lower grade provided that they meet the minimum qualifications required.