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Guidelines on MHPSS Approaches in the GBV Sector in Lebanon

These guidelines draw on the insights and experiences of international and local organizations implementing Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) approaches in Gender-Base...

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Assessment of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Approaches in the GBV Sector in Lebanon

Psychosocial support is the largest response area in the GBV programming, yet several members use different approaches, tools, and definitions. The stressors facing women, girls an...

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Fact Sheet

CVA Factsheet Q2 2023

Since 2021, the UNFPA Lebanon has integrated Cash Assistance in the  gender-based violence case management programme, both in the form of emergency cash assistance for immedia...

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Fact Sheet

Cash Voucher Assistance Factsheet 2022

This comprehensive document provides an overview of UNFPA's cash assistance activities aimed at supporting survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) and individuals at risk. ...

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Fact Sheet

Cash Voucher Assistant Fact sheet - Q1 2023

This comprehensive document provides an overview of UNFPA's cash assistance activities aimed at supporting survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) and individuals at risk. ...

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An integrated approach to menstrual hygiene management: Awareness sessions and cash assistance for women and girls affected by crisis in Lebanon

In 2022, UNFPA Lebanon worked with local partners to launch an integrated cash and awareness for menstrual hygiene management (MHM) initiative as a way to tackle the growing issue ...

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Building further evidence for the relevance and importance of adopting sustainable solutions for tackling period poverty in Lebanon

With the aim of building momentum on the relevance and importance of producing and distributing locally made reusable sanitary pads to tackle period poverty in Lebanon, this assess...

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Mistreatment, disrespect, and violence practices in obstetric care in Lebanon: A right-based approach research

Obstetric violence is a serious issue that affects women all over the world. It refers to any act or omission by healthcare providers that results in physical or psychological ha...

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Intimate Partner Violence and Health: Can Resilience Mitigate the Effect?

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a critical and widespread public health concern. It encompasses physical, sexual, emotional, and financial abuse perpetrated by a current or fo...

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