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State of World Population 2005


How do we improve the lives of the nearly 3 billion individuals living on less than two dollars a day? How can we enable all individuals — male and female, young and old — to protect themselves from HIV? To save the lives of more than 500,000 women who die each year in childbirth? What will it take to show young people living in poverty that they have a stake in development and a hope for the future? For perhaps the first time in history, questions such as these are not simply rhetorical. They have answers: answers that go to the very heart of what it means to be a woman or a man, wealthy or poor.

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Equipment Utilization Review Study in Reproductive Health Settings


There is increasing interest in assessing the materials management as a strategy of enhancing the effectiveness of service delivery in reproductive health. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) policy regarding commodities is an illustration of such interest.

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Situation Analysis on Occupational Hazards and Their Impact on Reproductive Health in Lebanon


Current literature is demonstrating an association between work exposures to xenobiotics and adverse reproductive outcomes. Employees have a fundamental right to work in an environment free of significant reproductive heath risks. 

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Client's Perception of Reproductive Health Services Provided in Selected Clinics in Lebanon


T he Reproductive Health programme (RH) was initiated in Lebanon in January of 1998 by a joint collaboration between the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the government of Lebanon. 

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State of World Population 2000


Gender inequality holds back the growth of individuals, the development of countries and the evolution of societies, to the disadvantage of both women and men. The facts of gender inequality — the restrictions placed on women’s choices, opportunities and participation — have direct and often malign consequences for women’s health and education, and for their social and economic participation

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Review of Reproductive Health Research Studies in Lebanon


Reproductive Health (RH) issues are deeply rooted in the biomedical dimensions, yet their origins often lie in human behavior that is at the heart of socio-cultural dimensions. Socio-cultural research has a major contribution to make to our understanding of consequences of reproductive ill health. 

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Mapping of Primary Health Care Centers in Lebanon


The first cycle of the Reproductive Health (RH) sub-programme covering 1997-2001 and supported by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) aimed to integrate comprehensive and sustainable quality RH services, including sexual health, within the framework of the Primary Health Care (PHC) system. 

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