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Population aging and policy options in the Arab region


The number of older people is growing fast in the Arab Region. According to the UN Population Division, the region’s population aged 60 and older (60+) is going to almost double in 15 years, increasing from 27 million in 2015 to 50 million in 2030, and by 2045, increasing to more than 80 million. 

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Knowledge, Attitudes & Practices of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon Towards Family Planning

Technical Reports and Document

This study aims to (1) examine the knowledge and attitudes of Syrian refugees towards various contraceptive methods, including perceptions of their side effects; (2) assess the prevalence and patterns of contraceptive use; (3) explore possible programme and policy interventions to ensure universal access to family planning services and information among refugees in Lebanon; (4) generate data and statistics regarding increased access to family planning as a result of implementing focused interventions.

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State of the World Population Report

State of World Population Report

UNFPA’s Worlds Apart report calls for actions that lead to a brighter future, where all women govern their own lives, have equal access to sexual and reproductive health care and have the knowledge, skills and power to find gainful employment.

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State of the World Population Report 2016

State of World Population Report

When a girl reaches age 10, her world changes. A flurry of life-changing events pulls her in many directions. Where she ends up depends on the support she receives and the power she has to shape her own future. In some parts of the world, a 10-year-old girl, on the verge of adolescence, sees limitless possibilities ahead and begins making choices that will influence her education and, later, her work and her life. But in other parts of the world, a 10-year-old girl’s horizons are limited. As she reaches puberty, a formidable combination of relatives, figures in her community, social and cultural norms, institutions and discriminatory laws block her path forward. By age 10, she may be forced to marry. She may be pulled out of school to begin a lifetime of childbearing and servitude to her husband. At 10, she may become property, a commodity that can be bought and sold.

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The Prevalence of Early Marriage and its Key Determinants Among Syrian Refugee Girls/Women

Technical Reports and Document

The study was produced with the aim to (1) assess the prevalence of early marriage among 9-24 year-old girls/women and school enrolment among 9 to 17 year-old girls in all study areas; (2) explore social determinants that may contribute to early marriage and school enrolment.

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Maternal Mortality in Lebanon: A Story of Success

Technical Reports and Document

Conducted in partnership with the Ministry of Public Health, the study represents the first attempt to report in details on the efforts conducted to reduce maternal mortality in Lebanon through looking at trends, preventable causes, and interventions, as well as recommending future actions to promote maternal health and well-being.

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TANSEEQ for Ending GBV in Lebanon, Issue 10


As I write this, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Lebanon has registered 1,169,639 Syrian refugees, most of whom arrived over the past 18 months. This number represents over a million individual tragedies

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TANSEEQ for Ending GBV in Lebanon, Issue 9


During conflicts, women and children are often victims of unspeakable violence and abuse. The conflict in Syria is no exception. Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) has been used as a tool of war and as a means of torture. 

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Situation Analysis of Youth in Lebanon Affected by the Syrian Crisis


The Syrian crisis entered its fourth year in 2014. Nearly 2.2 million refugees had been registered in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey by the end of 2013 - without including non-registered Syrian and non-Syrian refugees. With the continuing violence and insecurity in Syria, the number of refugees in the region is expected to reach over 4 million by the end of 2014.

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TANSEEQ for Ending GBV in Lebanon, Issue 6


Although Lebanon is considered to be relatively more open compared to other Arab countries, there remain nonetheless many shortcomings in the fight against Gender Based Violence (GBV), with women constituting 96% of all its victims. 

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