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9 July 2010

UNFPA Launches Lebanon’s first Gender Based Violence National Coordination Tool amid Recent Legislative Developments

              Lebanon has been witnessing an acceleration in its fight for ending Gender Based Violence (GBV) in the past few months.  On April 7th, 2010, the Council of Ministers approved the Law... Read more

10 May 2010

A Different Kind of Graduation in South Lebanon

UNFPA-supported Initiative Empowers Women through Literacy.

8 May 2010

Beneficiaries of Gender Empowerment Project Run for Municipal Elections… And Win!

      In May 2010, Lebanon held its municipal elections. For the first time in its history, Lebanon adopted a 20% quota for women in municipal councils. Yet this was not the breakthrough. These... Read more

7 May 2010

UNFPA Lebanon in Charge of the Gender Component of the MDG-F Joint Programme on ‘Conflict Prevention and Peace Building in North Lebanon’

UNFPA Lebanon recently initiated the implementation of the gender component within the approved MDG-F on “Conflict Prevention and Peace Building in... Read more

29 March 2010

Y-PEERs Lebanon at Model UN: Is there a Y-PEER in you?

            The Lebanese American University (LAU) in Beirut looked different on that particular Saturday. Hundreds of high school students, members of the AL WALID Global Classroom- Model United... Read more

4 February 2010

Lebanon Country Office is GREENACTING

In line with the global strategy for a climate neutral United Nations and in echo to UNFPA Executive Director’s pledge to make the fund more... Read more
